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Meet Sharlene

Your Spiritual Guide

I'm Sharlene Garcia, and I am a life and mindset coach. My mission is simple. It’s to help you become your whole self and live the kind of life you only ever dreamed of. In other words, I help you reconnect with yourself and free yourself from anything that says it is not okay for you to be your whole self. Your whole self--yes, even the parts of you that you reject.


Why? I followed the “traditional” path. I went to college, got a degree, then got another. Landed what I thought was my dream job--after several months of struggle-- only to realize that hey, this kind of fucking sucked. Not because there is anything wrong with that path, but that was never who I was. It was a box I was cramming myself into.


And if you are reading this, then I know the Universe has brought you here. Because you are feeling the same tension. The same dread of waking up everyday and knowing that you are not where you could be, but being too afraid to do anything about it.To know that you are selling your time and robbing yourself of the freedom you crave. Been there, done that.


 It takes a lot of courage to completely redirect your life, queen. There’s a lot of shit that you’ve been conditioned to believe that will make it easier for you to stay where you are. Your ego and fear are the loudest when you are thinking of making such a drastic change. Trust me, it took me four years to finally accept that the path I was on did not belong to me. And even longer to work through everything that kept me where I was--miserable and out of alignment.



But you are here. This means you have already chosen yourself and are taking the steps to create that dream life and become your authentic self, not who you were taught to be. That’s worth celebrating.


Consider me your guide on this path that you walk. My only goal is to help you see all the parts of yourself that you have rejected, and all the parts of you that do not belong to you. It’s to help you overcome your limiting beliefs, free yourself from conditioning and finally learn what it means to be wrapped in your own unconditional love. To feel the fear and do the damn thing anyway. And of course, to create the life you came to earth to live, not the one you settled for because it was shoved down your throat.


Curious about how you can work with me, or where to start? Check out the work with me page.

Three Pillars of Quarter-Life Queens Coaching 


Emotional Integration and Alignment

Doing the inner work requires you to be seen. It requires you to allow yourself to be seen. Pushing an emotion down or away does not make it leave. It simply allows it to control your life, your reactions and your circumstances without your conscious permission. That’s why this is one of the first things we work on. We need to put the power back in your hands so you can create your life intentionally.


Every single person on this planet has intuition. Your intuition is one of the greatest tools you have for it is your divine connection to the Universe. That’s right. If you ever felt like the Universe didn’t support you or had completely abandoned you, you are probably blocking your intuitive voice. For your intuition is the part of you that knows what you are here on earth to do and it is what will guide you back to your purpose and your divine flow of abundance. But you’ve been trained not to hear her. To confuse your intuition with your fear. Together, we correct this and so bring you back to your connection with yourself, your purpose and the entire universe.


Removal of Conditioning


I could go on about this forever, and I do elaborate more in my courses and programs. But for now, I’m just going to tell you that a lot of the fears and limitations you hold onto you do not belong to you. You have been conditioned to believe them and internalize them. Everything from what it means to be successful, to what you should be afraid of, to where you should be in your life and when to how much you are allowed to trust yourself. The greatest tool of your conditioning is that it has taught you how to keep yourself “in line” via shame and judgment. It’s the voice that says, “who am I to do this? Or what will people think? Or I’m not good enough, so I may as well not try.” It’s not a coincidence that so many people hold these exact same thoughts. I am going to help you free yourself from all of that shit because you and I both know that this is the biggest part of what holds you back. 

Want to work with Shar one-on-one? Check out:

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